Tag Archives: indentured servitude

Elysia and indentured servitude

As pointed out earlier the Republic of Elysia has not signed the The Lagrangian-Martian Convention on Indenture, even though it has been the most important of all spacer nations in terms of demographics and economics. Despite not signing this convention, indentured servitude has not been illegal in Elysia – though many mistakenly believe this to be the case. The question is why did they not join this convention? Continue reading →

Indentured servitude

The Lagrangian-Martian Convention on Indenture is a multilateral treaty which covers the institution of indentured servitude among Space Settlements. For much of the 21st and 22nd century indentured servitude was the way for poor terrestrials to immigrate to space settlements. The idea is that a (wealthy) settler would pay both the spacefare and the required visas for a terrestrial migrant, in return the migrant would promise his labour. Due to the popularity of these contracts, the Association of Lagrangian Settlements (joined by the Republic of Mars) felt it necessary to regulate this practice and to protect the welfare of the indentured servants. Continue reading →